As a podcaster, of course I listen to podcasts, and one of my favorites is Women and Money by Suze Orman. It was there that I learned about the Ultimate Opportunity Savings account that Suze created with Alliant Credit Union and it’s such a great offer that I want to share it with my own tribe.

Click on to get more details--but the basics of this deal are that you put a minimum of one hundred dollars a month in for twelve consecutive months into a savings account and at the end of that Alliant will GIVE YOU a $100 bonus. That is a HUGE DEAL and a fantastic way to start -- or continue--your 12 months of savings for your emergency fund. Which I highly recommend having. Especially after this last year.
Additionally, it’s a freaking great savings account. I don’t know anywhere else you’d get an interest rate of .55% right now.
I have personally opened one, my engineer sweetheart has opened one, and I have encouraged my teacher mentees to open one. This is the deal of 2021.
Want more information before you sign up? Suze explains it all here. Which is all basically what I said, but, yanno, she's famous, and it's her thing.
Also, want more Suze? Click here! She's amazing.
As of this writing, this offer with Alliant is good through the end of 2021.